Somalia Joint Response (SomJR)

Under SOMJR, GREDO, in partnership with OXFAM, is implementing an integrated response focused on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), as well as Livelihoods, in Baidoa, Somalia. The program is designed to be implemented over a three-year period. Funded By Dutch Relief Alliance DRA with Novib Oxfam.

Somalia Joint Response (SomJR) aims to address the needs of individuals affected by drought, particularly women, children, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and host communities in Baidoa, Bay region, Somalia. Over the course of the project, SomJR seeks to support at least 9,684 vulnerable individuals. The initiative is implemented by GREDO and focuses on integrated activities that tackle the underlying challenges faced by these communities.

The Main project Objectives components

  • To increase access to nutritious foods for vulnerable groups through community-supported agriculture to enhance food security.
  • To empower marginalized individuals with training in sustainable agriculture and entrepreneurship to improve livelihoods.
  • To launch a microfinance initiative providing low-interest loans for small businesses to increase economic resilience.

Key Activities for the SomJR Intervention:

Livelihoods and Food Security

  • 1. Establish and strengthen existing or new Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) to create a culture of savings and lending.
  • 2. Provide entrepreneurship and business development skills training for IDP and host community members, facilitating access to business start-up and growth grants.
  • 3. Market-driven vocational skills training to youth and women to create employment opportunities, including internships where necessary.
  • 4. Facilitate revolving loan funds for small business owners/VSLAs using loan guarantee funds to access loans from financial service providers.
  • 5. Rehabilitation of market infrastructure, including milk, meat, vegetable, and livestock markets.
  • 6. Provide access to quality agricultural inputs (seeds and tools) for smallholder farmers and IYCF support groups in IDPs and host communities to establish kitchen gardens, produce nutritious foods, and train them on climate-smart agricultural practices.
  • 7. Partner with agro-dealers to support smallholder farmer producers.
  • 8. Promote awareness of the impacts of climate change and mitigation through community nurseries and awareness campaigns.

WASH Activities

  • 1. Construct communal shared latrines.
  • 2. Repair and upgrade strategic shallow wells.
  • 3. Provide hygiene kits to the community.
  • 4. Establish and train water management committees.
  • 5. Train community hygiene volunteers.
  • 6. Offer incentives for community hygiene volunteers.


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