Faduma is a 40-year-old mother of 9 orphans (5 boys and 4 girls) living in Walag One IDP camp in Baidoa. Faduma and her family were living in Eel Boon, A village 30km, northwest of Wajid district Bakol region and they live as agro-pastoralist. Due to a lack of water and pasture and that prolonged drought which has devastated most of their farms and livestock, they did not harvest for the last three seasons and have lost their livestock. Their life had become very difficult and they fled to Baidoa IDPs, 120Km from Elbon in search of better lives for their family.
Faduma’s husband has recently passed away after a long illness, leaving behind 9 children with no assets at all and she has to take care of them alone. Faduma explains her story.
Faduma’s Story
“My name is Faduma Hassan Ibrahim I am 40 years old, a mother of 9 orphans (5 boys and 4 girls), we lived in Elbon village where we had a farm and a livestock living in a normal rural life, but the drought made us poor, we did not harvest for the last three Seasons because of inadequate rain, pest and locusts that have decimated the little crops, our boreholes and wells dried up and the depletion of grazing lands resulted in the loss of livestock which was our main sources of livelihood, my husband became sick and our life became difficult in Elbon, those factors made us flee to Baidoa to seek a better life” Faduma explained.
Faduma was one of the households selected for the DRA Village Saving Loan Association (VSLA) and Income generating activities (IGA) that is implemented by GREDO under the NEXUS consortium, Faduma received a VSLA and IGA training, and she was given $250 in form of commodities that she had requested to start a small business inside the camp to improve their livelihood.
“When we first came here, we had nothing at all, no food no water, and no shelter and we had no means of cash to buy basic needs for my family, my husband is patient and he remained at home. GREDO had registered me to become one of the selected households for the DRA Village Saving Loan Association (VSLA) and Income generating activity (IGA) training, and then I received $250 in the form of commodities that I requested, to start a small business which will play a significant role for the improvement of family life, the I set up my small business at Walag1 Camp where we had inhabited after we fled from Elboon.
This business helped me a lot and changed the life of my family. I am able to manage my family’s needs. My business grew faster. but since my husband was sick, I spent a lot caring for him, and when he passed away it helped me at my husband’s funeral. So, I am now requesting from GREDO and DRA extra support for my small business that they have started for me so that I can manage my family’s essential needs.” Said Faduma.
Faduma and the rest of the households are worried about the persistent drought, where food and essential goods prices skyrocketed, and the support that is given to them may not sustain for long because they use the shop’s income to run the daily life of the family which will affect the shop’s sustainability and my collops if external support is not found.
“Since the drought persists our hope of returning to Elbon is very low. So, we are seeking a better life here, we need better shelter, food, water, education, health, land for permanent settlement, and all basic needs”. Faduma said.